
All American Cowgirl Chicks: Breathe fresh air and talent into today's market for Rodeo. They simply energize me and the rodeo audience. What a shot of adrenaline and excitement they bring to rodeo and the fans of all ages to enjoy. We sell rodeo as a sport, however, in today's market you must bring a show. From the beautiful opening ceremonies with unparallel patriotism, the Cowgirl Chicks send cold chills throughout and a tear to your eyes. That my friend, is a worthy emotion, an American emotion.
- PRCA Rodeo Announcer Charlie Throckmorten

Dear Trish - Your visit to Stockholm International Horse Show was a roaring success in all aspects. The whole audience of the 70,000 people just loved you. When USA was the official Partner Country of our Show this year it couldn't be better represented than by the All American Cowgirl Chicks. Your enthusiasm, your catchy music and above all your skillful trick riding just storm our audience. The headlines over here like "The All American Cowgirls Chicks Steal the Stockholm Show" were not exaggerating, that was just the genuine feeling among the spectators and TV viewers. Thank you so much for allowing us to host your first visit to Europe. It was a true honor having you here.
Ulf Rosengren
President of the Organizing Committee
Stockholm International Horse Show

The All American Cowgirl Chicks are first-rate professional equestrian entertainers. Their energetic, colorful, enthusiastic performances have become a favorite part of the Stockyard's Championship Rodeo and the Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show. When the Cowgirl Chicks charge through the arena gates with high spirits, thundering hooves, and explosions of red, white, and blue the crowds are launched to their feet. The All American Chicks display ever-challenging horsemanship, weaving a spectacular routine into every corner of the arena so the entire house enjoys this American Western tradition. And topping off their performance is a tribute to our country, our soldiers, and our freedom......leaving the house cheering and swelling with patriotic tears. They are a must see act at any rodeo!
- Hub Baker
General Manager of Stockyards Championship Rodeo
Cowtown Coliseum, Fort Worth Stockyards

Thank you all for being with the Great American Wild West Show in Oklahoma earlier this month. Everything in your performance was spectacular in every way...I've seen every kind of riding group...The Cowgirl Chicks are the best I've ever seen.
- Don Endsley
The Great American Wild West Show

I wanted to write a note to express my complete and utter respect for the Cowgirl Chicks. Not only how you performed but also how you portray yourselves as women. Your behavior and attitudes were nothing less than spectacular. I work with a lot of organizations and if young adults today have half of what your girls do, there is no telling what this country could do!
Cindy Stafford
City of San Saba, Texas

I met your group when they performed at the Humble ISD Rodeo. On Friday, we had a special guest, Tara Houston from Calgary, Canada, who attended through the Make a Wish Foundation. Tara adored the Cowgirl Chicks and would have loved to ride with them if she wasn’t so ill. Tara lost her battle two days after seeing your performance. Thank you for all that you do and for being the special women that each of you are. You do make a huge difference in the lives of so many people, and you touched the life of one very special girl, Tara Houston.
Eva Jarrett, Humble ISD

After watching you at each performance of the Weatherford Rodeo, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you. That includes the moms and dads that stand behind the scenes and assist with everything. You all give me hope for the future of our country. With people like you and parents that care. The smiles you display are priceless. You work together as a team. I am amazed to see how ya'll are looking at one another all the time. Keep up the good work and again let me say thank you for representing Parker County and Weatherford like you do.
- Tiny Caraway Manning, Parker County

You have no idea how much we enjoyed having you all here in Saint Jo. The girls are darling besides being terrific riders! Your group is just so special with your terrific show and your special care for those with cancer. We have heard so many comments about trying to book you now for next year! So, save the first weekend in Aug. next year - maybe you can come both days of the Rodeo.
- Suzanne Lawson

Dear Ladies,
I have just finished watching the show of your performance on TV. I was very impressed and would like to know if you have ever heard of our rodeo. I think your act would be a very nice one to add to our rodeo.
Tom Dixon

Hello Cowgirls,
My name is Lori Gose and I am from Little Rock, AR. I am a horse breeder and enthusiast and saw you on Horse Sense on TV tonight. I was impressed by your love for horses and your way of life. I especially appreciated the fact that you do so much for cancer patients as several members of my family and some close friends have been affected by this horrible disease. I also volunteer, work, and school horses for a therapeutic riding program here. I was grateful for your mention of the soldiers in Iraq as my husband is one. He used to live in Weatherford and it is his favorite place on earth. I admire all of the girls for being strong female role models for young girls that they obviously are. This kind of thing is something we need more of. I have never done anything like this before but your program just touched me somehow. Please keep up the very important work and thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Lori Gose

Dear Cowgirl Chicks,
Over the last ten days I've seen bits and pieces of your presentation via Horse Sense RFD-TV. Today I finally got to see the entire clip. I tip my hat to all of the group. It is really wonderful to see such young people display the amount of horse sense it takes to train and perform at the level you do, not to mention the physical and mental commitment it takes. It was inspiring as well as impressive or maybe that should be especially to a 62 year old trainer. Keep it up, this world needs more of your caliber. If it can't be Okies that does your jobs then I would certainly prefer it be Texans.
Best of Luck always,
Dwayne E. Cline

Cowgirl Chicks,
I saw your show on RFDTV the other night and thought it was great. I always wanted to find people and a place that would ride their pants off, care for their horses, and just revolve around horses. I had a Aunt that passed away this passed May from cancer. She started out with breast cancer then it turned into a brain tumor. It hurt to see her die from such a disease. It's great that you guys are riding for such a great cause. I would love to do the same. I just wanted to say thanks for all you guys have been doing, filling the hearts of so many. Keep up the great work.
From one Cowgirl to another,
Leigh Smith

Dear Cowgirl Chicks,
My name is Kathy Buck and I am with a volunteer fire department in Eastern North Carolina. We saw a article about you in a magazine and special about you all on RFD TV. The people around here love the rodeo and love the pageantry even more. Your show looks amazing on the video. Thanks,
Kathy Buck

Hi Trish,
I saw your interview on RFD TV recently and was very inspired by it. I ride as one of the captains on a drill team here in Maryland where I live. Most of the people on the team have been with it for a while, but much are older and just want to do it for fun. My daughter, myself, and two others on the the team want changes and precision riding. I recorded your interview to share with the team. We are also done in red, white, and blue. I just wondering if you make your own outfits or do you buy them from a catalogue? I wish your interview showed more of your performing. We will never get to your level as our area doesn't have any rodeos or enough events to host a drill team demonstration. You are very fortunate to be where you are. Thanks for sharing any information your willing to give, and have a great year riding!
Kim McDaniel

Cowgirl Chicks,
I had the privledge of watching the Cowgirl Chicks ride at the Chisolm Challenge, and was thrilled. After reading about their cause on your website I was very impressed by these girls. Thank you for your time!
Keep Riding!

Dear Cowgirl Chicks,
What you are doing is absolutely marvelous. Keep up the good work. You are a great group of girls and Parker County is lucky to have you.
May God Bless and Keep You Safe!
Mary Preissinger

Hello Cowgirl Chicks,
I saw you on RFD TV and was immediatly overwhelmed at what you do. I love how your ride and what you ride for. You all have given me much inspiration to do what I really want to do.....ride horses. I have rode all my life, but haven't really competed except for playdays and fun shows. Keep up the great work! Many thanks!

Dear Cowgirl Chicks,
I saw one of your performances on RFDTV the other night, and was VERY impressed. I have a daughter who is in love with horses, as I have been all my life. Keep up the good work, as you guys are GREAT, and of course, all the great things you do for people with cancer and other things you do is wonderful too.

Hi Chicks!
My name is Deeanah and I am 13 years old. I love your shows and also your trick riding you Cowgirl Chicks do! I have a horse that used to run in the arena...I have to go now but will say hi again sometime soon! Have a Cowgirl Day!
Deeanah Hill

Hi Cowgirl Chicks,
I want to be a chick, but I am 9. I love to ride and have a bay gelding named Little Acorn. Email me back please....let me in Trish! My mom had breast cancer and both Grandpa's also had cancer. One Grandpa died from lung cancer and the other is living and my mom is a survivor! If I could help put a smile on a sick persons face I would always try!

I saw one of yall's programs on RFDTV today and thought it was awesome! I would love to be able to do that one of these days. Thanks,

Dear Trish and the Cowgirl Chicks,
Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you, your genorousity and kindness brought an extra sparkle to my little one this past Christmas. She still talks about the day of the parade and about the girls and wears her cowgirl chick necklace that you all gave her. Thank you so much and may God Bless you all.
Thank you,
Mary Reyes-mother of Gabi Reyes

Cowgirl Chicks,
You guys are just amazing! You bring chill bumps to me just watching you guys. God Bless You All!
Jomy Campbell

Hi Trish and Chicks!
RFDTV has done a great job covering you gals. I think Oprah should cover your story. You gals deserve the coverage! Good Luck and Happy Trails!
Alice Faul

Dear Cowgirl Chicks,
I thought this would be a pretty cool thing to do some day i mean be like you guys, daring, risky, but having fun and spending quality time with friends and your horses while doing it. I'm just a ordinary girl from a small town up in Kansas and recently saw you guys on RFDTV!!!! You guys are awesome! I wish I was that fit and experienced in horsemanship. You guys are my ROLE MODEL's and some day I want to learn how to do all that stuff without killing myself.You might not ever think of this e-mail if your reading it, but I just want you to know you and your entire team of Cowgirl Chicks are role models for many people just like me. you guys always look like your having fun living the COWGIRL DREAM!!!!!Good Luck, and I'll be watching for updates and places your performing so I can finally meet the perfect Cowgirls!!!!!!!!!Remember always have fun!
A Cowgirl Dreamer,

My name is Amy and I'm 14 years old and I'm a born cowgirl! When I saw your special on CMT the other day I was like WOW! that is so cool and i would love to see you girls perform someday! You do such amazing are my idols and if I'm ever in Texas I will sure look you up! You blew my breath away and when I get older I want to be a Cowgirl Chick. Your the best and thanks for the inspiration!
Amy Beye

Hello Ms. Lynn and Cowgirl Chicks!
I just wanted to tell you how amazing I think you all are. I was watching a program tonight on CMT and they featured your group. I'm impressed to say the least. It is wonderful to see young women with the heart of a tiger. I'm a veteran of the military and I must say, your hard work and drive got my attention.....something I've seen in my career. Keep up the good work and we hope to see you at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo some day. God Bless you all for your creative performances and charitable heart!
Susan Herndon